Parents, if school work brings frustration; here are some tips for you. Together we aim to promote concentration, comprehension and encourage learning. Your child needs you to be on your best behavior.
- Always use pleasant words while helping with school work like…
– That’s ok, you can do it.
– Don’t worry, you got this!
– Almost; try again.
- Don’t show your angry face, smile instead.
- Take a break if you see your child is getting irritated. Take a break when you are getting irritated.
- Children cannot contain information well when you push them too hard. It’s not that serious.
- Joke a little, make it fun!
- If it’s reading time then try taking turns. They like it when you participate.
- Before the lesson begin; tell yourself to be good, kind, and patient.
- Your child hears and understand you better when your voice is lowered. So, by all means, do not yell.
- Remember your child can feel when you are stressed. Don’t let them detect your frustration.